Yoni Mudra: Unveiling the Spiritual Significance and Health Benefits


What is Yoni Mudra?

Yoni Mudra is a symbolic hand gesture that is practiced in yoga and meditation. The word “yoni” in Sanskrit means “womb” “source” or “origin” and this mudra is said to represent the feminine energy of creation and manifestation.

Yoni mudra is often practiced in combination with pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, or asanas (yoga postures) to deepen the practice and connect with the inner self.

History and Origins of Yoni Mudra

The history and origins of yoni mudra are not entirely clear, as it has been practiced in various forms throughout different spiritual and cultural traditions. However, it is commonly associated with the practices of Tantra, a spiritual and philosophical tradition that originated in ancient India.

In Tantra, the yoni is revered as a symbol of the divine feminine and is often associated with the creative power of the universe. Yoni mudra is said to represent this feminine energy and to help activate the kundalini energy, which is believed to lie dormant at the base of the spine.

Yoni mudra is also found in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a text on hatha yoga that was written in the 15th century CE. In this text, the practice of yoni mudra is described as a way to awaken the kundalini energy and to unite the energy of the body with the energy of the universe.

In modern times, yoni mudra has become popular among yogis and spiritual seekers looking to deepen their connection with the divine feminine and tap into their creative power. It is often practiced in combination with other yoga practices, such as asanas, pranayama, and meditation, to enhance the overall yoga experience.

How to Perform Yoni Mudra

Step-by-Step Guide to Perform Yoni Mudra

  1. Find a comfortable seated position, either on a chair or on the floor with your legs crossed.
  2. Bring your hands together in front of your lower abdomen, now touch the tips of both thumbs together and bring the hands close to the navel.
  3. Now turn your hands so that the thumbs are pointing upwards.
  4. Now press the tips of your index fingers together, and point them towards the floor. Your hands will form a triangle between the index fingers and the thumb (as shown in the picture).
  5. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, focusing your attention on your breath and the sensation of your hands on your abdomen.
  6. Hold the mudra for several minutes or as long as you feel comfortable.
  7. When you’re ready to release the mudra, slowly bring your hands apart and rest them in your lap.

As you hold the mudra, you may want to visualize the energy of the universe flowing into your body through the triangle formed by your hands, or you may want to focus on the energy of the yoni and the creative power it represents. Remember to breathe deeply and allow yourself to fully experience the practice.

Tips on How to Properly Hold the Mudra

Here are some tips on how to properly hold the yoni mudra:

  1. Relax your shoulders and keep your spine straight: It’s important to maintain good posture while holding the mudra. Sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed to help the energy flow freely through your body.
  2. Keep your hands at a comfortable distance from your body: Your hands should rest lightly on your lower abdomen without any tension or pressure. Allow your hands to rest naturally on your body, without forcing them to be too close or too far away.
  3. Focus on your breath: Use your breath to help you stay relaxed and focused while holding the mudra. Breathe deeply and evenly, feeling the rise and fall of your belly with each breath.
  4. Visualize the energy flowing: As you hold the mudra, you can visualize the energy flowing in and out of your body through the triangle formed by your hands. This can help to deepen the practice and enhance its benefits.
  5. Be patient and persistent: Yoni mudra is a subtle practice that may take some time to master. Be patient with yourself and continue to practice regularly, even if you don’t notice immediate results. Over time, you may begin to feel a deeper connection to the feminine energy within yourself and in the universe around you.

The Significance of Yoni Mudra

The Spiritual and Energetic Significance of Yoni Mudra

Yoni mudra is a powerful and symbolic yoga practice that has significant spiritual and energetic significance. Here are some of the key spiritual and energetic benefits of practicing yoni mudra:

  1. Awakening the creative power: The yoni is a symbol of the creative power of the universe, and by holding the yoni mudra, we can tap into this energy and awaken our creative potential. This can help us to feel more inspired, productive, and connected to our true selves.
  2. Balancing the sacral chakra: Yoni mudra is associated with the sacral chakra, which governs creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being. By holding this mudra, we can balance and activate this chakra, which can help to improve our relationships, boost our self-confidence, and enhance our overall sense of well-being.
  3. Cultivating a sense of inner peace: Yoni mudra is a calming and grounding practice that can help us to connect with our inner selves and cultivate a sense of inner peace. By focusing our attention on the yoni and the energy it represents, we can quiet our minds and soothe our nervous systems.
  4. Honoring the divine feminine: Yoni mudra is a way to honor and celebrate the divine feminine energy that exists within each of us. By practicing this mudra, we can connect with the powerful and transformative energy of the yoni, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the feminine aspects of our nature.

How Yoni Mudra Relates to the Chakras and Energy Flow

Yoni mudra is a powerful mudra that is closely related to the chakras and energy flow within the body. Here’s how yoni mudra relates to the chakras and energy flow:

  1. Sacral Chakra: Yoni mudra is associated with the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and governs creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being. By holding the yoni mudra, we can stimulate and balance the sacral chakra, which can help to enhance our creativity, increase our sexual energy, and improve our emotional well-being.
  2. Root Chakra: Yoni mudra also has a connection to the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and is associated with grounding and stability. By holding the yoni mudra, we can activate the root chakra and cultivate a sense of groundedness and stability within our bodies and minds.
  3. Energy Flow: Yoni mudra is believed to help balance and harmonize the flow of energy (prana) within the body. The triangle formed by the hands in the yoni mudra represents the energy of the divine feminine, and by holding this mudra, we can connect with this energy and allow it to flow freely through our bodies. This can help to release any blockages or tension in the energy channels, which can improve overall health and well-being.
  4. Kundalini Energy: Yoni mudra is also believed to awaken the kundalini energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. This powerful energy can be activated and moved up through the chakras, leading to a profound spiritual awakening and transformation.

Benefits of Yoni Mudra

Physical Benefits of Practicing Yoni Mudra

While yoni mudra is primarily a spiritual and energetic practice, it can also have some physical benefits. Here are a few physical benefits of yoni mudra:

  1. Improves posture: Yoni mudra requires you to sit up straight with your hands in a specific position, which can help to improve your posture over time. Good posture can help to reduce tension and strain in the neck, back, and shoulders, and can also improve breathing and circulation.
  2. Strengthens pelvic floor muscles: The yoni mudra involves gently squeezing the muscles of the pelvic floor, which can help to strengthen these muscles over time. Strong pelvic floor muscles can help to reduce the risk of incontinence and improve sexual function.
  3. Reduces tension and stress: Holding the yoni mudra can help to reduce tension and stress in the body and mind. This can have a positive impact on physical health, as chronic stress has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and digestive disorders.
  4. Improves circulation: The yoni mudra can help to improve circulation throughout the body. This can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the cells, which can improve overall health and vitality.

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Yoni Mudra

Yoni mudra is a powerful practice that can have a range of mental and emotional benefits. Here are a few benefits:

  1. Calms the mind: Holding the yoni mudra can help to calm the mind and reduce mental chatter. This can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm and can promote a sense of inner peace and calm.
  2. Enhances emotional well-being: Yoni mudra can help balance and harmonize the sacral chakra, which governs emotional well-being. By holding this mudra, we can release any blockages or tension in this area and promote feelings of joy, pleasure, and creativity.
  3. Increases self-awareness: The practice of yoni mudra involves turning our attention inward and focusing on our internal energy flow. This can help to increase self-awareness and deepen our understanding of ourselves on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
  4. Boosts confidence and self-esteem: Yoni mudra is associated with divine feminine energy, which is characterized by strength, confidence, and self-esteem. By connecting with this energy, we can tap into our inner strength and confidence and feel empowered in our lives.
  5. Enhances intuition and spiritual connection: Yoni mudra can help to open up the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and spiritual connection. By practicing this mudra, we can deepen our spiritual practice and enhance our connection to the divine.

Spiritual Benefits of Yoni Mudra

Yoni mudra is a powerful spiritual practice that can help to awaken our inner spiritual energy and deepen our connection to the divine. Here are a few spiritual benefits of yoni mudra:

  1. Awakens the kundalini energy: The practice of yoni mudra can help to awaken the kundalini energy, which is said to reside at the base of the spine. This energy can rise through the chakras and lead to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
  2. Balances the energy centers: Yoni mudra helps to balance and harmonize the sacral and root chakras, which are associated with our sense of groundedness, creativity, and spiritual connection. By balancing these energy centers, we can experience a greater sense of overall well-being and spiritual alignment.
  3. Cultivates inner peace and contentment: Holding yoni mudra can help to promote a sense of inner peace and contentment, which is essential for deepening our spiritual practice. This practice can help us to detach from the distractions and stresses of daily life and focus on our inner spiritual journey.
  4. Deepens meditation and mindfulness practice: Yoni mudra can be incorporated into meditation and mindfulness practices to deepen our awareness and connection to the present moment. By focusing on our breath and energy flow, we can quiet the mind and deepen our connection to the divine.
  5. Enhances spiritual connection: Yoni mudra is associated with the divine feminine energy, which is characterized by nurturing, intuition, and spiritual connection. By connecting with this energy, we can deepen our spiritual practice and enhance our connection to the divine.

Precautions and Contraindications

Who Should Not Practice Yoni Mudra

While yoni mudra is generally considered a safe practice, but here are a few situations in which yoni mudra may not be appropriate:

  1. Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid practicing yoni mudra, as it can stimulate the pelvic area and potentially cause discomfort or contractions.
  2. Menstruation: Women who are menstruating may want to modify the practice of yoni mudra or avoid it altogether, as it can potentially exacerbate menstrual cramps or discomfort.
  3. Recent surgery or injury: If you have recently had surgery or have an injury to the pelvic area, it is best to avoid practicing yoni mudra until you have fully healed.
  4. Chronic pain or medical conditions: If you have a chronic pain condition or medical condition affecting the pelvic area, it is important to consult with your yoga teacher before practicing yoni mudra.
  5. Mental health concerns: If you have a history of mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, it is important to practice yoni mudra under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher or therapist.

Overall, if you are unsure whether yoni mudra is appropriate for you, it is always best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or yoga teacher before beginning any new practice.

Precautions to Take When Practicing Yoni Mudra

Here are a few precautions that you can take to ensure that you are practicing safely and comfortably:

  1. Start slowly: If you are new to yoni mudra, start slowly and gradually increase the duration of your practice over time. Begin with just a few minutes of practice and gradually work up to longer periods.
  2. Listen to your body: As you practice yoni mudra, pay attention to any discomfort or sensations in the pelvic area. If you experience any pain or discomfort, modify or stop the practice immediately.
  3.  Practice in a comfortable position: Yoni mudra can be practiced in a seated or lying down position, depending on what feels most comfortable for you. Make sure that you are in a comfortable and relaxed position before beginning the practice.
  4. Breathe deeply and evenly: As you practice yoni mudra, focus on breathing deeply and evenly. This can help to promote relaxation and calmness in the body and mind.

Potential Side Effects of Practicing Yoni Mudra

Yoni mudra is generally considered a safe and gentle practice, and most people do not experience any negative side effects from practicing it. However, in some cases, certain individuals may experience discomfort or other side effects. Here are a few potential side effects of practicing yoni mudra:

  1. Discomfort or pain: Some individuals may experience discomfort or pain in the pelvic area while practicing yoni mudra. This may be due to underlying medical conditions or simply due to holding the mudra for too long.
  2. Dizziness or lightheadedness: Holding the breath for extended periods can potentially lead to dizziness or lightheadedness. If you experience these symptoms, stop the practice immediately and rest.
  3. Emotional discomfort: In some cases, practicing yoni mudra may bring up uncomfortable emotions or feelings. This is a normal part of the practice, but it is important to approach these emotions with compassion and seek support from a qualified therapist or mental health professional if needed.
  4. Fatigue: Holding the mudra for extended periods can be tiring, especially for beginners. It is important to start slowly and gradually build up to longer durations of practice over time.

If you experience any discomfort or side effects, modify or stop the practice immediately and seek guidance from a qualified yoga teacher or healthcare professional if needed.


In conclusion, yoni mudra is a powerful and ancient yoga practice with numerous physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. This simple yet effective practice can help to promote pelvic floor health, reduce anxiety and stress, and balance the flow of energy through the body, among other benefits. Yoni mudra is a symbolic representation of the feminine energy and the creative power of the universe, allowing us to tap into our creative potential and connect with a deeper sense of inner peace and balance.

It is important to approach the practice mindfully and with proper guidance, especially for those with underlying medical conditions. With regular practice and mindfulness, yoni mudra can help to promote overall health and well-being and bring us closer to our true selves.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) related Yoni Mudra.

What is Yoni Mudra used for?

Yoni Mudra is used in yoga and meditation to tap into the divine feminine energy, symbolized by the “yoni” or womb. This practice enhances awareness, deepens meditation, and stimulates kundalini energy, aiding spiritual growth. Additionally, Yoni Mudra may improve pelvic floor health and relaxation.

Which chakra is Yoni Mudra for?

Yoni Mudra primarily focuses on the sacral chakra, also known as the Svadhisthana chakra. This energy center, located in the lower abdomen, is associated with creativity, emotions, and sensuality.

Where do you put Yoni Mudra?

Yoni Mudra is formed by joining the hands in front of the lower abdomen. Place the fingertips of the left hand on the fingertips of the right hand, creating a triangular shape. This symbolic gesture is held close to the body, typically over the pelvic region.

What is similar to the Yoni Mudra?

A practice similar to Yoni Mudra is the “Yoni Mudra Variation” or “Yoni Shakti Mudra,” where the hands are formed into a similar triangle but placed over the heart center rather than the lower abdomen. This variation emphasizes the connection between the heart and the feminine energy, offering a different focus in meditation and energy work.

How much times can you do yoni mudra?

Yoni Mudra can be performed for several minutes, typically 5 to 15 minutes, during a meditation or yoga session. The duration can be gradually increased with experience, but it’s essential to listen to your body’s comfort level.

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Yoni Mudra: Unveiling the Spiritual Significance and Health Benefits
Explore the profound practice of Yoni Mudra and discover its spiritual significance and health benefits. Unlock your inner potential and balance your energies with this ancient yoga technique.
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