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While some people consider their scars to be marks of pride, many people just want them to go away. Since they can affect your appearance, they can make you feel self-conscious.
If you want to get rid of an old scar, you need to understand what a scar is and what type you’re trying to get rid of.
A scar forms as part of the natural healing process following an injury. When the dermis — the second layer of skin — is damaged, your body forms collagen fibers to repair the damage, and that results in a scar.
- In most cases, the faster a wound heals, the less collagen will be deposited and the less noticeable the scar will be.
- Typically, the severity of the scar is based on the severity of the injury or damage.
- Scars form differently on different parts of the body.
- Scars form differently based on the age of the injured person.
- There are different types of scars.

Different Types of Scars
There are different types of scars, each with defining characteristics.
Atrophic Scars
Atrophic scars are characterized by the loss of tissue. They appear depressed, serrated, or flat against the upper layer of the skin. Often atrophic scars have darker skin pigmentation than other area of your skin. Examples of atrophic scars include acne scars and chickenpox scars.
Keloid Scars
A keloid scar usually grows much larger than the wound itself. It is raised, dark in color, and can continue to grow after the wound has healed.
Keloids can have side effects such as interfering with movement, pain, and itching. They may be more common in people with darker skin tones and do not resolve or fade with time.
Hypertrophic Scars
Like keloids, these scars are usually raised and red. But, they occur only at the site of the injury. They can be itchy or painful, but this often improves as the skin completely heals.
Hypertrophic scars often become less raised and noticeable with time, though this process can take years.
Contracture Scars
These scars will cause the skin to become tight, or contract. They are often the result of burns and can be painful.
Contracture scars can affect muscles and nerves beneath the skin and can reduce movement of the affected body part. Burn scars are the example of contracture scars.
Widespread Scars
Also known as stretched scars, these are common after surgery. They occur when a surgical incision scar stretches and becomes wider.
These scars are usually flat and pale, so they tend to be less noticeable than raised or indented scars.

Tried & Tested Methods to Reduce and Remove Scars Permanently
Scars come in all sizes and shapes, and they are something you would rarely want to show off. Here are some methods to treat these scars. These methods can erase them to a great extent in due course of time. The results of last one really surprised us and you too.
Onion Extract

One of the most well-known natural remedies for scar treatment is onion extract. This extract is widely available in scar treatment products that are available at drug stores.
Some studies found that:
- A proprietary onion extract product improved and softened scars after 4 weeks.
- People who used an onion extract gel reported improvements in scar texture, softness, redness, and overall appearance after 4 weeks.
Despite these studies, evidence on onion extract is mixed. One study found that onion extract was no better than a petroleum-based ointment in treating scars.
Silicone Sheets and Gel
Of all the home remedies for scars, silicone may have the most evidence that it works.
A number of studies over the past 20 years have confirmed that applying silicone sheeting or gel can gradually improve a scar’s appearance:
- Silicone sheeting has been shown to be a proven scar treatment over the years, according to one study.
- A review states that silicone sheeting improves the appearance of hypertrophic scars.
- Another study found that a silicone gel was as effective as silicone sheeting in diminishing hypertrophic and keloid scars.
- Topical silicone gel provided an improvement in keloid and hypertrophic scars, according to another review.

Silicone scar treatment products are available in many stores without a prescription. Doctors may also prescribe this treatment after surgery or to aid in scar formation after an injury.
Note: Silicone has a small risk of side effects and is usually easy and painless to use.
Scar Reduction Therapy
A scar treatment cream is formulated with active natural ingredients, moisturizers, and patented peptides to interact with the skin’s 28-day regeneration process. Specifically, it should:
Stimulate Natural Collagen Production – Both skin-healing type III and skin-strengthening collagen I.
Push Scarred Skin Cells to the Surface – A scar treatment cream gently nudges the skin healing process so that dead and damaged cells rise to the surface of the skin, where they’re sloughed away.
Increase Production of Healthy Skin Cells – With more collagen production and exfoliation of dead skin cells, normal, healthy skin cells replace scarred skin, for visible reduction of scarring.
Studies show that niacinamide, beta glucans, and some antioxidants, including tocopherols, can reduce hyperpigmentation and encourage natural, healthy turn-over of skin cells. Such natural ingredients moisturize, exfoliate, and ultimately, reduce and even prevent scarring.

If you want to prevent or reduce scarring without steroids or laser treatment, opt for Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy by the Skinception line of skin-care products, which as clinical studies suggest, may reduce scarring in as little as 4 weeks.
Lack of Evidence for Other Remedies
Many other home remedies have been promoted as scar removers, such as aloe vera, honey, and olive oil.
While these natural substances may help soften and smooth skin, and likely will not do any harm, but no studies have yet found these substances to work in reducing or removing scars.

At the End
I have tried almost every home remedy, product and method to remove my scar on face but the result was zero. At last, I was thinking to go for laser treatment, but somehow I got to know about Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy and try this for 2 to 3 months regularly and got really surprising results.