7 Reasons Why You May Not be Getting Enough Sleep in Your Bedroom

The bedroom is a private space. It’s where we get to be ourselves without holding back. After a long hard day, the bedroom is where we can be sure to have a good night’s rest and ease tense muscles. But sometimes, it can be difficult to get as much sleep as we want in the bedroom.

Sleep plays a crucial role in our lives. A good night’s sleep can help boost productivity and increase alertness. It can also help prevent weight gain, strengthen the heart, and keep stress at bay. When we begin to see that we are unable to get enough sleep or find it difficult to fall asleep in the bedroom, it’s important that we identify the causes and fix them.

A study found that people who experienced good sleep quality before the covid-19 pandemic saw a reduction in slept quality during the pandemic. Now that the world is getting back on its feet and restrictions are nearing their much-anticipated ends, we have to regain our ability to get good sleep and one way to do that is to make sure the bedroom is comforting and free of stressors.

Here are some of the reasons why you may not be getting enough sleep in your bedroom:


Clutter may be the reason you’re not getting as much sleep as you want in the bedroom.

When the bedroom is cluttered and you’re trying to fall asleep, the feeling of needing to declutter can initiate stress and get in the way of sleep. Keep office files off the shelf and laundry in a hamper.

Clutter is usually caused by negligence. Instead of saying you’ll do it tomorrow, clear out clutter once spotted to prevent them from stacking up and becoming a mess. A well-arranged room appeals to the senses and brings us closer to sleep.


Sitting back against the bed while watching Netflix sounds great but the TV may also be the reason you’re deprived of sleep as spending too much time watching TV can lead to resisting the urge to sleep.

Also, a study in 2017 shows that exposure to blue light may damage or disrupt sleep. But that’s not the only reason to be wary of keeping the TV in the bedroom.

When watching TV, especially late-night shows or one of those Netflix series, there’s a good chance you would nod off before you remember to turn off the TV. The noise from it can rob you of good sleep. So, when you know you need to rest and want to sleep better, you should reconsider how you spend time with the TV.

It’s best to stop watching TV an hour before the traditional bedtime to prepare the body for sleep.

Unpleasant Air

Unpleasant air in the bedroom can also contribute to sleeping problems. When you are in your bedroom, you expect to feel calm and relaxed until you start to catch the smell of the leftover pizza you bought three days ago.

So, always make sure the bedroom is clean. Regular cleaning can improve air quality. Scenting the air with perfumes or essential oils can also prove helpful after cleaning.

Essential oils have been shown to help with sleep. Common essential oils are lavender, bergamot, Jasmine, Clary sage. You can choose any that makes you feel calm and comfortable.


The lighting in the bedroom plays a role in how well you sleep and appropriate lighting in the bedroom can assure you of a good night’s rest.

Your body knows when it’s time to wake up in the morning and sleep at night because of something called the circadian rhythm, also known as your internal clock. It’s important that we help our body know when it’s time to sleep and the best way to do that is through lighting.

It’s preferable to keep the bedroom as dark as possible as sleep comes better in the dark but using dim lights is helpful too.

A bedside lamp or a standing lamp in the corner of the bedroom can be lit instead of a raging overhead light if ever you must use bright lights.

Color Scheme

The color scheme of your bedroom might also be why you’re not getting enough sleep.

Generally, softer colors are better to use but you can use any color that makes you feel calm and comfortable. Play around to see what color is best for you.

If you’re not able to paint the walls at the moment or are on a small budget, consider changing the color of your duvet, pillow, or carpet.


If you’re not getting as much sleep as you want, your room’s temperature might be the cause of it. Higher temperatures are known to steal sleep away.

The weather should be considered when determining your bedroom’s temperature. When it’s cold, increase the temperature, and vice versa.

A thermostat can help regulate your bedroom’s temperature, but if you don’t have one and can’t afford one right now, you can get an electric fan to cool off or open windows at night to ventilate the room.

Expired Mattress/Pillows

Sleep helps to relax and relieve stress, but you may find that hard to do if your mattress is not in its prime.

It’s recommended to check the mattress every seven years for replacement but most people don’t pay attention to this, and by the time they finally do, the mattress has become terribly worn out.

While you’re checking your mattress, don’t forget to have a look at your pillows too. They too might be sharing the blame.

Though it is easy to tell when pillows are no longer in good shape and uncomfortable, it is advised to change them every 1 to 2 years.

A change in mattress or pillows might be what you need to do to sleep better and have sweeter dreams.

Author Bio:

Michael Bankole is a health/lifestyle writer. He seeks to help all colors of people live better lives. When he’s not researching, reading, or writing, you’ll catch him listening to music and humming along.