How to Treat UTI at Home?

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are pretty frequent, especially among women. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. UTIs are typically infections of the lower urinary tract, including your bladder and urethra.

Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the body through the urethra and grow in the bladder. Bacterial growth has the potential to infect the urinary system.

Some persons with a UTI do not have symptoms, while others do. Symptoms could include:

  • A strong, persistent desire to urinate
  • When you urinate, you get a scorching sensation.
  • Cloudy urine
  • Urine with blood in it (including pink, red, or brown urine)
  • Pelvic pain, particularly in the center

A minor urinary tract infection may be treatable at home.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water is one of the first things you should do if you have a urinary tract infection. Water will flush out the bacteria that is causing your ailment, and it helps you to recover sooner.

Most people can ensure they get enough water by simply drinking water when thirsty. However, to be cautious, you should drink at least six to eight 8-ounce (oz) glasses of water every day. According to general recommendations, women should drink about 91 oz of water per day, while men should drink about 125 oz per day, including water from food.

Vitamin C

It is critical to consume a variety of vitamin C-rich meals since excessive levels of vitamin C cause urine to become more acidic. This prevents bacteria from growing in your urinary tract. If you have an active UTI, you should avoid citrus and other acidic foods. These meals are known to irritate the bladder, which is the last thing you want when you’re having urination problems.

Heating Pads

UTI inflammation and irritation cause burning, pressure, and pain in the pubic area. Using a heating pad to calm the region can assist. To avoid burns, keep the heat setting low, avoid applying it directly to the skin, and restrict your use to 15 minutes at a time.

Cut Foods that can cause UTIs

Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, smoking, carbonated beverages, and artificial sweeteners can irritate your bladder even more, when you have a UTI, making it more difficult for your body to heal. Emphasize healthful foods that are helpful for your digestive health, such as high-fiber carbs (such as oatmeal or lentil soup).

Try Herbal Remedies

Take the herb Uva Ursi(bearberry leaf), which is occasionally used as a herbal cure for lower urinary tract infections, and you may find some relief. However, Rivers warns that it should only be used for brief periods — five days or less — because it can induce liver damage.

It’s crucial to note that, while bearberry leaf may assist some people, there have been no big randomized controlled trials (the gold standard for confirming the efficacy of therapy or treatment in medicine) testing it as a solution for UTIs.

According to a preliminary study, D-mannose supplements may help prevent and treat UTIs, and researchers believe it may prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract’s walls. D-mannose is a simple sugar naturally found in fruits such as oranges, apples, and cranberries.

Always be with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Supplements, herbs, and other medications you may be taking can have negative side effects or interact with one another, and the results can be severe at times.

Adopt a Healthy Routine

Lifestyle changes matter because they can help you recover from a UTI and prevent another infection.

  • Stop smoking.
  • Wear cotton undergarments and loose-fitting cotton clothes.
  • Wipe yourself down from head to toe.
  • Personal hygiene products should be fragrance-free.


Cranberry juice or cranberry extract is taken orally has long been used as a home treatment for UTIs. The proanthocyanidins in cranberries help prevent bladder infections by preventing germs from adhering to the bladder membrane.

Despite this, there is a scientific debate over how helpful cranberry juice prevents UTIs due to conflicting findings in studies on the subject.

There is evidence that it may be beneficial, and it doesn’t harm to give it a shot. Make careful to use unsweetened cranberry juice (the sugar in sweetened cranberry juices can feed a bacterial infection). This can be combined with sparkling water or plain yogurt. Another low-calorie option is to take a cranberry pill containing d-mannose.

Make Prevention a Priority

Instead of merely treating UTIs, please make an effort to avoid them. There are numerous steps you can take to prevent future urinary tract infections. Follow these guidelines to help prevent UTIs in the long run:

  • Urinate after intercourse to help flush away bacteria.
  • Keep hydrated and don’t fight the desire to urinate.
  • After urinating or defecating, wipe from front to back.
  • Diaphragms and spermicide condoms should be avoided.
  • Avoid scented products around your genital area since they can irritate your urethra.

Increased vitamin C (ascorbic acid) levels in your diet may also aid in the prevention of urinary tract infections. Scientists believe this is because vitamin C makes urine more acidic, which helps avoid urinary tract bacterial infections.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it possible for a UTI to go away on its own?

A UTI will frequently resolve on its own. In fact, in several trials of women with UTI symptoms, 25% to 50% improved within a week – without medication.

When will I be free of a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

It is possible to treat the vast majority of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Urinary infection signs and symptoms usually diminish within 24 to 48 hours of beginning treatment. An infection in the kidneys can cause symptoms that persist for up to a week or more.

What should you do if you suspect a UTI?

If you suspect a UTI, act wisely and seek treatment as soon as possible! UTI symptoms include an increased desire to pee, burning while peeing, and murky, strong-smelling, or even bloody pee. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible, but don’t be alarmed in the interim!