3 Logistics Related Sectors that are Booming

As e-commerce grows and develops, so too do the associated and supporting industries and sectors. One of these sectors that have seen immense growth and a high demand for services, which is expected to continue into the long term, is logistics and transport. Within the transport and logistics sector as a whole, there are several industries that are doing very well and will provide opportunities for start-ups and disruptors to challenge and compete with the bigger players. This article looks at three of the most important logistics-related developments that are going to make someone somewhere a lot of money.

Logistics Tech Development

The technology to run a good logistics business is now necessary for the cloud and as such requires skilled infrastructure technicians to assist in its setup and maintenance. Cloud technicians related to logistics and transport have been in high demand as it will be in the gathering, storage, and processing of information in the cloud that will allow logistics firms to
develop and grow. Logistics-based apps and technology have been able to reduce the heavily manual processes and make use of the vast amounts of data that have been collected and stored. Advanced analytics and automation are the two main areas of improvement and are still developing at a rate previously unseen.

Transportation and Delivery

Shipping jobs, and rail and road haulage have increased, but it is the jobs for drivers that have increased the most in recent times. It’s an aspect that has been in the news across Europe at the moment, and it is a problem that’s expected to reach across the globe. The physical transportation of the huge number of goods being ordered and purchased on a daily basis online has meant that transport and delivery are growing as never before. The rise in demand for drivers and courier services has been especially noted in the last leg of delivery. It is this local leg of delivery to the actual customer that is now the most important aspect of the delivery process.


Having the right insurances for any form of transportation and shipping, especially international or for global shipping jobs, is a necessity. As such, with the rise in e-commerce and the associated delivery needs, there has been a marked increase in the number of insurance companies and start-ups that have begun to offer logistics solutions.

Transport without insurance is a risk that no transport firm can afford to take and no matter how big or small the organization or the load, it will mean something to someone and as such it must be insured.

These three sectors are core elements of the logistics and transportation sector and they present great opportunities for economic growth and investment. Starting a new enterprise in logistics and transport is accepted as a great way to take part in the current boom. However, there are also some associated industries as those mentioned in this article where startups
linked and related to logistics and transport will do incredibly well.