“What is your passion?”
What if someone asks this question to you? Well, this can be an embarrassing situation, if you haven’t developed a passion as a human life without a passion is considered motiveless.
Your passion gives you the added fuel to get everything done right while offering you a motive of life.
I am sure you are kind of a person who works hard and completes everything with dedication, but when you know what you are doing and why you are doing it, nothing will stop you. But to achieve that dedication, you must know what you are doing by knowing your passion in life. To help solve “how to find your passion?” we’ve collected the top methods to discover what you really want to do with your life.
One tip here: Never rush to find your passion and never make a decision based on the guidance of others. No one knows your desires and your hidden skills better than you, so make sure to follow your mind when looking for your passion.
Take time to work through the process and you’ll surely be getting closer to where you want to be.
Start With the Right Perspective
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Suppose if you go to a restaurant with a strong opinion—“I’m not hungry. There’ll be nothing here I want to eat. ”— the menu isn’t going to look appealing to you for sure. You’re sure not to explore the menu and it’s unlikely you’ll find food you’ll enjoy eating.
Finding your passion may be done easily with the same principle. If you keep in mind that you won’t find the passion, no matter what but you will remain closed to possibilities. There are more chances that you’ll also block the little nudges, pulls, and signals that guide us all. Be positive about life and choose to adopt the perspective that you can do what you love with your life. Getting surrounded by the people who are living examples is the best way to strengthen this point of view.
For example, locate the friends or family members who are already pursuing their passion and living with it. If you can’t find enough people to motivate you, I think it’s the time to expand your circle.
Think about What Motivates Your Decisions
In most cases, people end up listening too much to their “social selves,” which is also considered as the part of your personality that wants to fit in. Of course, it’s important to be a part of a larger community, but leaving all your decisions on the community or on what other people think is right for you, may resulting in feeling like you’ve missed your purpose.
Although this can happen to you at any stage of your life, but at the younger age you are more vulnerable to it because you may feel compelled to listen to your parents or other authority figures. The best way to find what motivates you is to stop “shoulding” yourself. It will eventually make you feel unhappy and dissatisfied with your choices. Consider what you want to do in life and check what motivates you to achieve that particular goal.
Differentiate Between a Hobby and a Profitable Passion
Having a hobby is a great thing, but you can’t enjoy it for a longer duration, unless it’s profitable. For example, you fall head over heels in love with an activity that engrosses you, but now you have to ask yourself an important question: Who would benefit from (and pay for) this?
If you want to make a living from your passion, then it is important to make a calculated decision. And what’s more important here is that you would even enjoy doing those things. For example, if you like writing and love to play with the words available, you’re going to be a great writer or if you are good at digging things and knowing everything about the things happening around you, you may be a perfect “Journalist” or “Detective” material. For some people, passion is just fun, but for some, it can be a great option to earn well.
Think about What You’ve Always Dreamed of Doing

The best way to find your true passion in life is to think about what you’ve always loved doing. This is not about making a list of things that make you happy, but knowing that you’ve always dreamed about, but haven’t done. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- What I wanted to do while I was a kid?
- Is there something I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t tried enough?
- Is there a dream that I left unattended and moved with other things?
- What I could do if there was nothing to stop me?
Follow Your Inner Guidance
What if I told you that you can find your passion in life yourself and you need not to ask anything to anyone? It’s called your inner GPS. It is similar to the GPS system that we’ve been using to locate nearby places. Just like the real GPS system, your inner GPS tells you how to get from point A to point B – your passion. Just ask yourself, “What I want in life?” and your inner GPS system will help you with all the possible options available.
Your inner GPS system will help you figure out the best options available that you actually love to enjoy and can make a living with it. Remember that passion shouldn’t be only a hobby, but a calculated decision as well.
Making a calculated decision is a right way to get the best answer to your concern, “how to find your passion?” The decision must be based on your consciousness and your liking and disliking. Also, it is important to keep in mind that the passion you follow should be fruitful and help make a living from it. Being with the people who are successfully enjoying their passion is the best way to know what you want in life and stay motivated with their presence.