Natural Treatment for Asthma with Home Remedies

Asthma is a chronic pathologic condition which affecting your lungs. Asthma causes discomfort in airways like shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing and coughing. In many cases, these symptoms appear mostly at night or early morning. The person who is suffering from asthma has these symptoms daily. The Asthmatic attack occurs when something bothers your lungs. In Asthma airways become swollen and inflamed, which make it hard to breathe. The Intensity of asthmatic attack can be mild, moderate and severe. An Asthma attack occurs anytime even though you may feel fine.

Most of the people in the USA are suffering from asthma including 7 million children. Symptoms that appear in childhood can be disappearing later in life but sometimes symptoms go temporarily, only to return a few years later. A Child with severe asthmatic condition never outgrows it.

What Causes Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease which has many causes and no cure. By learning more about causes can help you reduce the chances of having an asthma attack. According to researchers till now it isn’t clear why some people get asthma and others don’t. It is probably due to a combination of environment and inheritance factor. Exposure to various irritants and substance that makes your bronchial hyperresponsiveness, those allergens can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma. Allergy causes are different from person-to-person, just like this asthma triggers is different from person to person.

  1. A Variable airborne stimulus such as pollen, tree, grass and weed, dust mites, mould spores, pet dander or waste element of a cockroach.
  2. Respiratory infection, such as common cold, flu, bronchitis, and sinuses can also cause an asthma attack.
  3. Physical activity like exercise, climbing, running etc.
  4. Air pollutants and irritants like tobacco smoke, smoke from fireplaces, perfumes, strong odor, SO2 and NO2 gas or chemical agents.
  5. Sometimes strong emotion like crying, anxiety, anger, laughing hard and stress triggers asthma.
  6. Weather changes like cold, change in temperature and humidity.
  7. Sensitivity to medications including aspirin, ibuprofen and beta blockers and naproxen.
  8. Some disease like GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) in which stomach acids get back into your throat.
  9. Having a blood relative to your parent or sibling with asthma.
  10. Having allergic condition like allegoric rhinitis (hay fever) and vasomotor rhinitis.

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

Are there indoor or outdoor environment triggers such as dust or pollens?

Asthmatic symptoms vary person to person. Some people have a frequent asthma attack and may have symptoms only for a certain time while others don’t but have symptoms all the time.

Associated Symptoms with Asthma Include:

  • Dyspnea refers to shortness of breath.
  • Tightness in chest and chest pain.
  • A Wheezing sound at the time of exhaling.
  • Coughing attack that is worsened by a respiratory virus such as cold or the flu.

Associated Signs of Asthma:

  • The patient starts to take a short and quick breath through the mouth.
  • Trouble sleeping caused by an inadequate sleep due to shortness of breath and coughing and wheezing.
  • A wheezing sound at the time exhalation.

Natural Home Remedies to Cure Asthma

As we already discussed that, Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease which causes difficulty in breathing. It is triggered when there is an obstruction in the flow of air in the respiratory pathways. It is caused due to exposure to air pollution, allergies, respiratory infections, weather condition, and specific food or medication.

While there is no cure for Asthma but there are many medical treatments to treat Asthma and here are some of the natural home remedies that can provide some relief.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil mixed with camphor is the potent combination to treat asthma at home. You just have to do massage the mixture all over your chest, until you get relief from the Asthma. Don’t forget to warm the oil before massaging it ensures you feel the warmth to get quick relief.


Ginger has multiple benefits for your health and body. It proved very effective against Asthma. Firstly, prepare the mixture with equal quantities of ginger, honey and pomegranate –consume it 2-3 times a day.


Caffeine in the coffee used to treat any disease and it known for effective medication to treat Asthma. Hot coffee helps you to clear the obstruction in the respiratory passages and allowing you to breathe easily. Generally, some people don’t prefer to make coffee instead of coffee, go for hot black tea, but not more than 3 cups a day.

Evening Primrose Oil

The evening primrose is best known due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Its oil contains fatty acid (GLA), which can have a positive effect on inflammation airways by reducing the inflammation and making the nasal passage for air flow. In some cultures, it is the traditional treatment to fight against Asthma.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids like the primrose oil are very useful for manage the inflammatory conditions. It is not even useful to treat the Asthma but in addition to asthma, it is helpful to treat heart diseases, depression and seasonal affective disorder. There are many sources of O-3FA like Avocados, Salmon, peanut, Cardamom and walnuts many more. Start to include these fruits in your diet to treat asthma easily.


If you are searching for the best remedies for Asthma among the all than figs is up. Soak dried figs in the plenty of water overnight and eat them empty stomach first in the morning. Drink the residual water of the figs.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is known as the best inhaler to treat a respiratory infection. Take a few drops of eucalyptus oil and mix them in the bowl of boiling water. Take it as steam. This will help you in the opening up any nasal passage to facilitate the easy breathing.

Belly Breathing Method

This method used to maximize the air distribution to your lungs. For doing this technique, you have to lie down or sit up on the floor. Preferably breathe slowly through the nose and start to concentrate on your breathing. When you start to inhale the air than your abdomen must go up against to your chest. During Exhale your abdomen pushing inward. Repeat the process 4-5 times. Follow this technique everyday twice a day once in the morning and another one before going to sleep.

Pursed Lip Breathing Technique

This technique is useful at the time of the asthmatic attack. At the time of attack air trapped in your respiratory airways, this will help you to get more air in and out and make breathing easier. Firstly relax your neck and shoulder muscles. Breathe for 2 seconds through your nose, keeping the mouth closed. Breathe out for 4 seconds with pursed lips. If this is complicated to breathe out for 4 seconds then simply breathe out twice as long as you can.

Buteyko Breathing Method

Buteyko breathing method is the deep inspiration or exhalation. Breathing through the nose instead of using mouth then, hold the breath for a second and exhale the air from the nose slowly. It will help people with Asthma, Smoking-related diseases and sleep apnea.


Asthma is the fatal diseases; it doesn’t have any permanent cure that’s why prevention is always better than cure. Dealing with the asthmatic condition is like fighting against the life for the moment. The above- mentioned treatment surely gives you relief in the instantaneous asthmatic condition and quickly clears the obstruction in the airways. If you had a severe asthma attack and not getting any result from mentioned remedies, make sure to consult a nearby physician as soon as possible for medical support.

Amit Sharma

Amit Sharma is a Yoga Teacher with a Master's degree in Yoga Therapy from the S-VYASA University. With 7 years of teaching experience, Amit is dedicated to helping individuals achieve physical and mental well-being through the practice of yoga and Ayurveda.

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