10 Simple and Healthy Drinks for Weight Loss

While we have heard the saying ‘Health is Wealth’ quite a few number of times, we don’t always necessarily follow a very healthy lifestyle. In today’s world, lives have become extremely busy. This means that more and more people are running very fast in order to make money to be able to live a luxurious life.

In all this running around, we often ignore the one most important thing in our life: Our body. It is understandable, really. There are so many things that are happening parallel in each person’s life that it is hard for him or her to stick to healthy meals, so to speak. People barely have the time to sit with their families or go out for a holiday, let alone hitting the gym regularly.

People work long hours, eat anything and everything that comes their way when they are at work and are hungry and then as the hope to live a full and fit life slips away from them, they start sinking deeper and deeper into the pits of despair and give up any attempt towards living a healthy life.

Most of these fad diets and pills thrive on this desperate helplessness promising an easy way to losing weight and thereby keeping all obesity related health risks at bay. But the alarming thing here is that the primary reason towards losing weight has restricted itself to people looking good. In due process, when people starve, undertake crash diets or rely on drugs to induce weight loss, they move in the exact opposite direction of being healthy.

Before we delve into the recipes for weight loss, we have to understand that the notion of being healthy has little to do with the idea of being beautiful. Each one of us has a different body type. We have different ailments, different weaknesses and our body is subjected to different kinds of external stimulus.

When you look at catering to such a wide variety of people there is no One-Size-Fits-All solution. This is why you have to first understand your body and what it needs and only then proceed to pursue a solution.

Another key factor to losing weight is persistence. There are many different approaches to losing weight. Whether it is the Keto Diet or doing aerobics, make sure that you religiously stick to it. Please understand that the recipes shared below are only to accelerate your metabolism and cleanse your body from within. They will not help you lose weight unless you adopt an overall healthy lifestyle.

List of Healthy Drinks for Weight Loss

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric has curcumin which can help with metabolism and also act as a great antiseptic agent. It helps in flushing out toxins from the body so that you feel healthy and light inside. To prepare this tea, you need to boil 4 cups of water and then remove it from flame. Now add ½ teaspoon of turmeric some freshly grated ginger, 1 teaspoon of lime and 1 teaspoon of honey to this. You can also add ¼ teaspoon of black pepper to it. Let it steep for about 3 minutes. Then strain and enjoy. Make sure that you don’t overdo the turmeric as it can interfere with your digestion.

Vegetable Juice

Don’t scrunch up your nose just yet! Vegetable juices don’t have to be boring and tasteless. Try this recipe. Put a half bottle-gourd, beetroot, carrot, tomato, kale, and spinach through your juicer. Collect the juice and add a squeeze of lemon to it. You can add a dash of honey and some rock salt to it as well. It will taste delicious.

Green Tea

This is the simplest health drink that you will ever find. It is light, breezy, tasty and loaded with antioxidants. Just get yourself a packet of teabags and steep them in near boiling water for about 3 to 5 minutes and you are done!

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Recently, Apple Cider Vinegar has become very popular. A lot of people are coming to recognize all the benefits of drinking it. Just add 2 tablespoons of Apple cider Vinegar to a tall glass of warm water and drink up!

Lemon Mint Drink

This one is tasty and refreshing. Just muddle some mint leaves and add it to a glass of warm water with 2 teaspoons of lemon and ginger. Drink up first thing in the morning. It will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Ginger Pepper

Take a glass of boiling water and add freshly grated ginger along with some crushed black pepper. Drink it once it cools down a little bit. If it feels too hot, add a little honey to it.

Cinnamon Drink

Add some ground cinnamon and honey to a bottle of warm water. Sip this water throughout the day. It tastes delicious and also aids weight loss.

Black Coffee

Black coffee, if had in the right proportion can facilitate weight loss. Just remember not to add any sugar to it.

Fenugreek Cucumber Drink

Soak Fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight. Now, blend some cucumber pieces, honey and this fenugreek water. Add a squeeze of lemon to this and enjoy chilled.

Celery Drink

Enjoy a refreshing celery drink! Blend together celery, coconut water, ground fenugreek seeds, black pepper, honey, and ice. Drink this slushy drink to boost your metabolism.

Now that you know the recipes, it is time for you to choose one or two of them and incorporate them in your regular lives. Please note that you don’t have to do all 10 all at once. That might mess with your digestion. Just stick to one or two and then make them a part of your everyday regime.

It is easy to lose weight with a little dedicated hard work. But the real challenge is to make sure that you continue to live healthy and don’t put on weight once again. It might seem difficult in the beginning but you will realize that once you accept it whole heartedly, you will never want to go back to your old ways.


Author Bio:

Dr Vishal Singh is a Hospital Board Executive and General Practitioner (GP) with a special interest in Urology at Regency Medical Centre. He also has past experience in Pharmaceutical Industry within Regional Medical Affairs. He has a passion for introducing working models of primary and secondary healthcare delivery in the UK, into the African healthcare space.

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